Parameter Filters


Parameter filters are instantiated internally by using the corresponding keywords.

Filter names (kwargs) can be either the API camelCase name (ie maxRecords) or the snake-case equivalent (max_records).

Refer to the Airtable class to verify which kwargs can be used with each method.

The purpose of these classes is to 1. improve flexibility and ways in which parameter filter values can be passed, and 2. properly format the parameter names and values on the request url.

For more information see the full implementation below.

Parameter Filters

class airtable.params.AirtableParams[source]
class FieldsParam(value)[source]

Fields Param



Only data for fields whose names are in this list will be included in the records. If you don’t need every field, you can use this parameter to reduce the amount of data transferred.


>>> airtable.get(fields='ColumnA')

Multiple Columns:

>>> airtable.get(fields=['ColumnA', 'ColumnB'])

fields (str, list) – Name of columns you want to retrieve.

class FormulaParam(value)[source]

Formula Param


formula= or filterByFormula=

The formula will be evaluated for each record, and if the result is not 0, false, “”, NaN, [], or #Error! the record will be included in the response.

If combined with view, only records in that view which satisfy the formula will be returned. For example, to only include records where COLUMN_A isn’t empty, pass in: "NOT({COLUMN_A}='')"

For more information see Airtable Docs on formulas.

Usage - Text Column is not empty:

>>> airtable.get_all(formula="NOT({COLUMN_A}='')")

Usage - Text Column contains:

>>> airtable.get_all(formula="FIND('SomeSubText', {COLUMN_STR})=1")

formula (str) – A valid Airtable formula.

static from_name_and_value(field_name, field_value)[source]

Creates a formula to match cells from from field_name and value

class MaxRecordsParam(value)[source]

Max Records Param


max_records= or maxRecords=

The maximum total number of records that will be returned.


>>> airtable.get_all(max_records=10)

max_records (int) – The maximum total number of records that will be returned.

class PageSizeParam(value)[source]

Page Size Param


page_size= or pageSize=

Limits the maximum number of records returned in each request. Default is 100.


>>> airtable.get_all(page_size=50)

page_size (int) – The number of records returned in each request. Must be less than or equal to 100. Default is 100.

class SortParam(value)[source]

Sort Param



Specifies how the records will be ordered. If you set the view parameter, the returned records in that view will be sorted by these fields.

If sorting by multiple columns, column names can be passed as a list. Sorting Direction is ascending by default, but can be reversed by prefixing the column name with a minus sign -, or passing COLUMN_NAME, DIRECTION tuples. Direction options are asc and desc.


>>> airtable.get(sort='ColumnA')

Multiple Columns:

>>> airtable.get(sort=['ColumnA', '-ColumnB'])

Explicit Directions:

>>> airtable.get(sort=[('ColumnA', 'asc'), ('ColumnB', 'desc')])

fields (str, list) – Name of columns and directions.

class ViewParam(value)[source]

View Param



If set, only the records in that view will be returned. The records will be sorted according to the order of the view.


>>> airtable.get_all(view='My View')

view (str) – The name or ID of a view.

Source Code

from collections import OrderedDict
import re

class _BaseParam(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def to_param_dict(self):
        return {self.param_name: self.value}

class _BaseStringArrayParam(_BaseParam):
    Api Expects Array Of Strings:
    >>> ['FieldOne', 'Field2']

    Requests Params Input:
    >>> params={'fields': ['FieldOne', 'FieldTwo']}

    Requests Url Params Encoding:
    >>> ?fields=FieldOne&fields=FieldTwo

    Expected Url Params:
    >>> ?fields[]=FieldOne&fields[]=FieldTwo

    def to_param_dict(self):
        encoded_param = self.param_name + "[]"
        return {encoded_param: self.value}

class _BaseObjectArrayParam(_BaseParam):
    Api Expects Array of Objects:
    >>> [{field: "UUID", direction: "desc"}, {...}]

    Requests Params Input:
    >>> params={'sort': ['FieldOne', '-FieldTwo']}
    >>> params={'sort': [('FieldOne', 'asc'), ('-FieldTwo', 'desc')]}

    Requests Url Params Encoding:
    >>> ?sort=field&sort=direction&sort=field&sort=direction

    Expected Url Params:
    >>> ?sort[0][field]=FieldOne&sort[0][direction]=asc

    def to_param_dict(self):
        """ Sorts to ensure Order is consistent for Testing """
        param_dict = {}
        for index, dictionary in enumerate(self.value):
            for key, value in dictionary.items():
                param_name = "{param_name}[{index}][{key}]".format(
                    param_name=self.param_name, index=index, key=key
                param_dict[param_name] = value
        return OrderedDict(sorted(param_dict.items()))

class AirtableParams(object):
    class MaxRecordsParam(_BaseParam):
        Max Records Param

            ``max_records=`` or ``maxRecords=``

        The maximum total number of records that will be returned.


        >>> airtable.get_all(max_records=10)

            max_records (``int``): The maximum total number of records that
                will be returned.


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> filter = MaxRecordsParam(100)
        # >>> filter.to_param_dict()
        # {'maxRecords: 100}

        param_name = "maxRecords"
        kwarg = "max_records"

    class ViewParam(_BaseParam):
        View Param


        If set, only the records in that view will be returned.
        The records will be sorted according to the order of the view.


        >>> airtable.get_all(view='My View')

            view (``str``): The name or ID of a view.


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> filter = ViewParam('Name or Id Of View')
        # >>> filter.to_param_dict()
        # {'view: 'Name or Id Of View'}

        param_name = "view"
        kwarg = param_name

    class PageSizeParam(_BaseParam):
        Page Size Param

            ``page_size=`` or ``pageSize=``

        Limits the maximum number of records returned in each request.
        Default is 100.


        >>> airtable.get_all(page_size=50)

            page_size (``int``): The number of records returned in each request.
                Must be less than or equal to 100. Default is 100.


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> filter = PageSizeParam(50)
        # >>> filter.to_param_dict()
        # {'pageSize: 50}

        param_name = "pageSize"
        kwarg = "page_size"

    class FormulaParam(_BaseParam):
        Formula Param

            ``formula=`` or ``filterByFormula=``

        The formula will be evaluated for each record, and if the result
        is not 0, false, "", NaN, [], or #Error! the record will be included
        in the response.

        If combined with view, only records in that view which satisfy the
        formula will be returned. For example, to only include records where
        ``COLUMN_A`` isn't empty, pass in: ``"NOT({COLUMN_A}='')"``

        For more information see
        `Airtable Docs on formulas. <>`_

        Usage - Text Column is not empty:

        >>> airtable.get_all(formula="NOT({COLUMN_A}='')")

        Usage - Text Column contains:

        >>> airtable.get_all(formula="FIND('SomeSubText', {COLUMN_STR})=1")

            formula (``str``): A valid Airtable formula.


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> param = FormulaParams("FIND('DUP', {COLUMN_STR})=1")
        # >>> param.to_param_dict()
        # {'formula': "FIND('WW')=1"}

        param_name = "filterByFormula"
        kwarg = "formula"

        def from_name_and_value(field_name, field_value):
            Creates a formula to match cells from from field_name and value
            if isinstance(field_value, str):
                field_value = re.sub("(?<!\\\\)'", "\\'", field_value)
                field_value = "'{}'".format(field_value)

            formula = "{{{name}}}={value}".format(name=field_name, value=field_value)
            return formula

    class _OffsetParam(_BaseParam):
        Offset Param


        If there are more records what was in the response,
        the response body will contain an offset value.
        To fetch the next page of records,
        include offset in the next request's parameters.

        This is used internally by :any:`get_all` and :any:`get_iter`.


        >>> airtable.get_iter(offset='recjAle5lryYOpMKk')

            record_id (``str``, ``list``):


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> filter = _OffsetParam('recqgqThAnETLuH58')
        # >>> filter.to_param_dict()
        # {'offset: 'recqgqThAnETLuH58'}

        param_name = "offset"
        kwarg = param_name

    class FieldsParam(_BaseStringArrayParam):
        Fields Param


        Only data for fields whose names are in this list will be included in
        the records. If you don't need every field, you can use this parameter
        to reduce the amount of data transferred.


        >>> airtable.get(fields='ColumnA')

        Multiple Columns:

        >>> airtable.get(fields=['ColumnA', 'ColumnB'])

            fields (``str``, ``list``): Name of columns you want to retrieve.


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> param = FieldsParam(['FieldOne', 'FieldTwo'])
        # >>> param.to_param_dict()
        # {'fields[]': ['FieldOne', 'FieldTwo']}

        param_name = "fields"
        kwarg = param_name

    class SortParam(_BaseObjectArrayParam):
        Sort Param


        Specifies how the records will be ordered. If you set the view
        parameter, the returned records in that view will be sorted by these

        If sorting by multiple columns, column names can be passed as a list.
        Sorting Direction is ascending by default, but can be reversed by
        prefixing the column name with a minus sign ``-``, or passing
        ``COLUMN_NAME, DIRECTION`` tuples. Direction options
        are ``asc`` and ``desc``.


        >>> airtable.get(sort='ColumnA')

        Multiple Columns:

        >>> airtable.get(sort=['ColumnA', '-ColumnB'])

        Explicit Directions:

        >>> airtable.get(sort=[('ColumnA', 'asc'), ('ColumnB', 'desc')])

            fields (``str``, ``list``): Name of columns and directions.


        # Class Input > Output
        # >>> filter = SortParam([{'field': 'col', 'direction': 'asc'}])
        # >>> filter.to_param_dict()
        # {'sort[0]['field']: 'col', sort[0]['direction']: 'asc'}

        param_name = "sort"
        kwarg = param_name

        def __init__(self, value):
            # Wraps string into list to avoid string iteration
            if hasattr(value, "startswith"):
                value = [value]

            self.value = []
            direction = "asc"

            for item in value:
                if not hasattr(item, "startswith"):
                    field_name, direction = item
                    if item.startswith("-"):
                        direction = "desc"
                        field_name = item[1:]
                        field_name = item

                sort_param = {"field": field_name, "direction": direction}

    def _discover_params(cls):
        Returns a dict where filter keyword is key, and class is value.
        To handle param alias (maxRecords or max_records), both versions are

            return cls.filters
        except AttributeError:
            filters = {}
            for param_class_name in dir(cls):
                param_class = getattr(cls, param_class_name)
                if hasattr(param_class, "kwarg"):
                    filters[param_class.kwarg] = param_class
                    filters[param_class.param_name] = param_class
            cls.filters = filters
        return cls.filters

    def _get(cls, kwarg_name):
        """ Returns a Param Class Instance, by its kwarg or param name """
        param_classes = cls._discover_params()
            param_class = param_classes[kwarg_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("invalid param keyword {}".format(kwarg_name))
            return param_class