Source code for airtable.airtable


Airtable Class Instance

>>> airtable = Airtable('base_id', 'table_name')
>>> airtable.get_all()
[{id:'rec123asa23', fields': {'Column': 'Value'}, ...}]

For more information on Api Key and authentication see
the :doc:`authentication`.



For a full list of available methods see the :any:`Airtable` class below.
For more details on the Parameter filters see the documentation on the
available :doc:`params` as well as the
`Airtable API Docs <>`_

Record/Page Iterator:

>>> for page in airtable.get_iter(view='ViewName',sort='COLUMN_A'):
...     for record in page:
...         value = record['fields']['COLUMN_A']

Get all Records:

>>> airtable.get_all(view='ViewName',sort='COLUMN_A')
[{id:'rec123asa23', 'fields': {'COLUMN_A': 'Value', ...}, ... ]


>>>'ColumnA', 'SearchValue')


>>> airtable.get_all(formula="FIND('DUP', {COLUMN_STR})=1")


>>> airtable.insert({'First Name': 'John'})


>>> airtable.delete('recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D')

You can see the Airtable Class in action in this
`Jupyter Notebook <>`_


Return Values

Return Values: when records are returned,
they will most often be a list of Airtable records (dictionary) in a format
similar to this:

>>> [{
...     "records": [
...         {
...             "id": "recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D",
...             "fields": {
...                 "COLUMN_ID": "1",
...             },
...             "createdTime": "2017-03-14T22:04:31.000Z"
...         },
...         {
...             "id": "rechOLltN9SpPHq5o",
...             "fields": {
...                 "COLUMN_ID": "2",
...             },
...             "createdTime": "2017-03-20T15:21:50.000Z"
...         },
...         {
...             "id": "rec5eR7IzKSAOBHCz",
...             "fields": {
...                 "COLUMN_ID": "3",
...             },
...             "createdTime": "2017-08-05T21:47:52.000Z"
...         }
...     ],
...     "offset": "rec5eR7IzKSAOBHCz"
... }, ... ]

"""  #

import requests
from collections import OrderedDict
import posixpath
import time
from urllib.parse import quote

from .auth import AirtableAuth
from .params import AirtableParams

[docs]class Airtable(object): VERSION = "v0" API_BASE_URL = "" API_LIMIT = 1.0 / 5 # 5 per second API_URL = posixpath.join(API_BASE_URL, VERSION) MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQUEST = 10
[docs] def __init__(self, base_id, table_name, api_key, timeout=None): """ Instantiates a new Airtable instance >>> table = Airtable('base_id', "tablename") With timeout: >>> table = Airtable('base_id', "tablename", timeout=(1, 1)) Args: base_id(``str``): Airtable base identifier table_name(``str``): Airtable table name. Value will be url encoded, so use value as shown in Airtable. api_key (``str``): API key. Keyword Args: timeout (``int``, ``Tuple[int, int]``, optional): Optional timeout parameters to be used in request. `See requests timeout docs. <>`_ """ session = requests.Session() session.auth = AirtableAuth(api_key=api_key) self.session = session self.table_name = table_name url_safe_table_name = quote(table_name, safe="") self.url_table = posixpath.join(self.API_URL, base_id, url_safe_table_name) self.timeout = timeout
def _process_params(self, params): """ Process params names or values as needed using filters """ new_params = OrderedDict() for param_name, param_value in sorted(params.items()): param_value = params[param_name] ParamClass = AirtableParams._get(param_name) new_params.update(ParamClass(param_value).to_param_dict()) return new_params def _chunk(self, iterable, chunk_size): """Break iterable into chunks.""" for i in range(0, len(iterable), chunk_size): yield iterable[i : i + chunk_size] def _build_batch_record_objects(self, records): return [{"fields": record} for record in records] def _process_response(self, response): try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: err_msg = str(exc) # Attempt to get Error message from response, Issue #16 try: error_dict = response.json() except ValueError: pass else: if "error" in error_dict: err_msg += " [Error: {}]".format(error_dict["error"]) exc.args = (*exc.args, err_msg) raise exc else: return response.json()
[docs] def record_url(self, record_id): """ Builds URL with record id """ return posixpath.join(self.url_table, record_id)
def _request(self, method, url, params=None, json_data=None): response = self.session.request( method, url, params=params, json=json_data, timeout=self.timeout ) return self._process_response(response) def _get(self, url, **params): processed_params = self._process_params(params) return self._request("get", url, params=processed_params) def _post(self, url, json_data): return self._request("post", url, json_data=json_data) def _put(self, url, json_data): return self._request("put", url, json_data=json_data) def _patch(self, url, json_data): return self._request("patch", url, json_data=json_data) def _delete(self, url): return self._request("delete", url) def _delete_batch(self, record_ids): if len(record_ids) == 1: return self.delete(record_ids[0]) return self._request("delete", self.url_table, params={"records": record_ids})
[docs] def get(self, record_id): """ Retrieves a record by its id >>> record = airtable.get('recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D') Args: record_id(``str``): Airtable record id Returns: record (``dict``): Record """ record_url = self.record_url(record_id) return self._get(record_url)
[docs] def get_iter(self, **options): """ Record Retriever Iterator Returns iterator with lists in batches according to pageSize. To get all records at once use :any:`get_all` >>> for page in airtable.get_iter(): ... for record in page: ... print(record) [{'fields': ... }, ...] Keyword Args: max_records (``int``, optional): The maximum total number of records that will be returned. See :any:`MaxRecordsParam` view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. page_size (``int``, optional ): The number of records returned in each request. Must be less than or equal to 100. Default is 100. See :any:`PageSizeParam`. fields (``str``, ``list``, optional): Name of field or fields to be retrieved. Default is all fields. See :any:`FieldsParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. formula (``str``, optional): Airtable formula. See :any:`FormulaParam`. Returns: iterator (``list``): List of Records, grouped by pageSize """ offset = None while True: data = self._get(self.url_table, offset=offset, **options) records = data.get("records", []) time.sleep(self.API_LIMIT) yield records offset = data.get("offset") if not offset: break
[docs] def get_all(self, **options): """ Retrieves all records repetitively and returns a single list. >>> airtable.get_all() >>> airtable.get_all(view='MyView', fields=['ColA', '-ColB']) >>> airtable.get_all(maxRecords=50) [{'fields': ... }, ...] Keyword Args: max_records (``int``, optional): The maximum total number of records that will be returned. See :any:`MaxRecordsParam` view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. fields (``str``, ``list``, optional): Name of field or fields to be retrieved. Default is all fields. See :any:`FieldsParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. formula (``str``, optional): Airtable formula. See :any:`FormulaParam`. Returns: records (``list``): List of Records >>> records = get_all(maxRecords=3, view='All') """ all_records = [] for records in self.get_iter(**options): all_records.extend(records) return all_records
[docs] def match(self, field_name, field_value, **options): """ Returns first match found in :any:`get_all` >>> airtable.match('Name', 'John') {'fields': {'Name': 'John'} } Args: field_name (``str``): Name of field to match (column name). field_value (``str``): Value of field to match. Keyword Args: max_records (``int``, optional): The maximum total number of records that will be returned. See :any:`MaxRecordsParam` view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. fields (``str``, ``list``, optional): Name of field or fields to be retrieved. Default is all fields. See :any:`FieldsParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. Returns: record (``dict``): First record to match the field_value provided """ from_name_and_value = AirtableParams.FormulaParam.from_name_and_value formula = from_name_and_value(field_name, field_value) options["formula"] = formula for record in self.get_all(**options): return record else: return {}
[docs] def search(self, field_name, field_value, record=None, **options): """ Returns all matching records found in :any:`get_all` >>>'Gender', 'Male') [{'fields': {'Name': 'John', 'Gender': 'Male'}, ... ] >>>'Checkbox Field', 1) [{'fields': {'Name': 'John', 'Gender': 'Male'}, ... ] Args: field_name (``str``): Name of field to match (column name). field_value (``str``): Value of field to match. Keyword Args: max_records (``int``, optional): The maximum total number of records that will be returned. See :any:`MaxRecordsParam` view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. fields (``str``, ``list``, optional): Name of field or fields to be retrieved. Default is all fields. See :any:`FieldsParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. Returns: records (``list``): All records that matched ``field_value`` """ records = [] from_name_and_value = AirtableParams.FormulaParam.from_name_and_value formula = from_name_and_value(field_name, field_value) options["formula"] = formula records = self.get_all(**options) return records
[docs] def insert(self, fields, typecast=False): """ Inserts a record >>> record = {'Name': 'John'} >>> airtable.insert(record) Args: fields(``dict``): Fields to insert. Must be dictionary with Column names as Key. typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Returns: record (``dict``): Inserted record """ return self._post( self.url_table, json_data={"fields": fields, "typecast": typecast} )
[docs] def batch_insert(self, records, typecast=False): """ Breaks records into chunks of 10 and inserts them in batches. Follows the set API rate. To change the rate limit use ``airtable.API_LIMIT = 0.2`` (5 per second) >>> records = [{'Name': 'John'}, {'Name': 'Marc'}] >>> airtable.batch_insert(records) Args: records(``list``): Records to insert typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Returns: records (``list``): list of added records """ inserted_records = [] for chunk in self._chunk(records, self.MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQUEST): new_records = self._build_batch_record_objects(chunk) response = self._post( self.url_table, json_data={"records": new_records, "typecast": typecast} ) inserted_records += response["records"] time.sleep(self.API_LIMIT) return inserted_records
[docs] def update(self, record_id, fields, typecast=False): """ Updates a record by its record id. Only Fields passed are updated, the rest are left as is. >>> record = airtable.match('Employee Id', 'DD13332454') >>> fields = {'Status': 'Fired'} >>> airtable.update(record['id'], fields) Args: record_id(``str``): Id of Record to update fields(``dict``): Fields to update. Must be dictionary with Column names as Key typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Returns: record (``dict``): Updated record """ record_url = self.record_url(record_id) return self._patch( record_url, json_data={"fields": fields, "typecast": typecast} )
[docs] def batch_update(self, records, typecast=False): """ Updates a records by their record id's in batch. Args: records(``list``): List of dict: [{"id": record_id, "fields": fields_to_update_dict}] typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Returns: records(``list``): list of updated records """ updated_records = [] for chunk in self._chunk(records, self.MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQUEST): chunk_records = [{"id": x["id"], "fields": x["fields"]} for x in chunk] response = self._patch( self.url_table, json_data={"records": chunk_records, "typecast": typecast} ) updated_records += response["records"] # return updated_records
[docs] def update_by_field( self, field_name, field_value, fields, typecast=False, **options ): """ Updates the first record to match field name and value. Only Fields passed are updated, the rest are left as is. >>> record = {'Name': 'John', 'Tel': '540-255-5522'} >>> airtable.update_by_field('Name', 'John', record) Args: field_name (``str``): Name of field to match (column name). field_value (``str``): Value of field to match. fields(``dict``): Fields to update. Must be dictionary with Column names as Key typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Keyword Args: view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. Returns: record (``dict``): Updated record """ record = self.match(field_name, field_value, **options) return {} if not record else self.update(record["id"], fields, typecast)
[docs] def replace(self, record_id, fields, typecast=False): """ Replaces a record by its record id. All Fields are updated to match the new ``fields`` provided. If a field is not included in ``fields``, value will bet set to null. To update only selected fields, use :any:`update`. >>> record = airtable.match('Seat Number', '22A') >>> fields = {'PassangerName': 'Mike', 'Passport': 'YASD232-23'} >>> airtable.replace(record['id'], fields) Args: record_id(``str``): Id of Record to update fields(``dict``): Fields to replace with. Must be dictionary with Column names as Key. typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Returns: record (``dict``): New record """ record_url = self.record_url(record_id) return self._put(record_url, json_data={"fields": fields, "typecast": typecast})
[docs] def replace_by_field( self, field_name, field_value, fields, typecast=False, **options ): """ Replaces the first record to match field name and value. All Fields are updated to match the new ``fields`` provided. If a field is not included in ``fields``, value will bet set to null. To update only selected fields, use :any:`update`. Args: field_name (``str``): Name of field to match (column name). field_value (``str``): Value of field to match. fields(``dict``): Fields to replace with. Must be dictionary with Column names as Key. typecast(``boolean``): Automatic data conversion from string values. Keyword Args: view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. Returns: record (``dict``): New record """ record = self.match(field_name, field_value, **options) return {} if not record else self.replace(record["id"], fields, typecast)
[docs] def delete(self, record_id): """ Deletes a record by its id >>> record = airtable.match('Employee Id', 'DD13332454') >>> airtable.delete(record['id']) Args: record_id(``str``): Airtable record id Returns: record (``dict``): Deleted Record """ record_url = self.record_url(record_id) return self._delete(record_url)
[docs] def delete_by_field(self, field_name, field_value, **options): """ Deletes first record to match provided ``field_name`` and ``field_value``. >>> record = airtable.delete_by_field('Employee Id', 'DD13332454') Args: field_name (``str``): Name of field to match (column name). field_value (``str``): Value of field to match. Keyword Args: view (``str``, optional): The name or ID of a view. See :any:`ViewParam`. sort (``list``, optional): List of fields to sort by. Default order is ascending. See :any:`SortParam`. Returns: record (``dict``): Deleted Record """ record = self.match(field_name, field_value, **options) record_url = self.record_url(record["id"]) return self._delete(record_url)
[docs] def batch_delete(self, record_ids): """ Breaks records into batches of 10 and deletes in batches, following set API Rate Limit (5/sec). To change the rate limit set value of ``airtable.API_LIMIT`` to the time in seconds it should sleep before calling the function again. >>> record_ids = ['recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'recwDxIfs3wDPyc3F'] >>> airtable.batch_delete(records_ids) Args: records(``list``): Record Ids to delete Returns: records(``list``): list of records deleted """ chunks = self._chunk(record_ids, self.MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQUEST) deleted_records = [] for chunk in chunks: response = self._delete_batch(chunk) deleted_records += response["records"] if len(chunk) > 1 else [response] time.sleep(self.API_LIMIT) return deleted_records
def __repr__(self): return "<Airtable table:{}>".format(self.table_name)