Source code for pyairtable.api.api

import posixpath
from functools import partialmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import requests
from requests.sessions import Session
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from pyairtable.api import retrying
from pyairtable.api.enterprise import Enterprise
from pyairtable.api.params import options_to_json_and_params, options_to_params
from pyairtable.api.types import UserAndScopesDict, assert_typed_dict
from pyairtable.api.workspace import Workspace
from pyairtable.models.schema import Bases
from pyairtable.utils import cache_unless_forced, chunked, enterprise_only

T = TypeVar("T")
TimeoutTuple: TypeAlias = Tuple[int, int]

[docs]class Api: """ Represents an Airtable API. Implements basic URL construction, session and request management, and retrying logic. Usage: >>> api = Api('auth_token') >>> table = api.table('base_id', 'table_name') >>> records = table.all() """ VERSION = "v0" API_LIMIT = 1.0 / 5 # 5 per second #: Airtable-imposed limit on number of records per batch create/update operation. MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQUEST = 10 #: Airtable-imposed limit on the length of a URL (including query parameters). MAX_URL_LENGTH = 16000 # Cached metadata to reduce API calls _bases: Optional[Dict[str, "pyairtable.api.base.Base"]] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, api_key: str, *, timeout: Optional[TimeoutTuple] = None, retry_strategy: Optional[Union[bool, retrying.Retry]] = True, endpoint_url: str = "", ): """ Args: api_key: An Airtable API key or personal access token. timeout: A tuple indicating a connect and read timeout. e.g. ``timeout=(2,5)`` would configure a 2 second timeout for the connection to be established and 5 seconds for a server read timeout. Default is ``None`` (no timeout). retry_strategy: An instance of `urllib3.util.Retry <>`_. If ``None`` or ``False``, requests will not be retried. If ``True``, the default strategy will be applied (see :func:`~pyairtable.retry_strategy` for details). endpoint_url: The API endpoint to use. Override this if you are using a debugging or caching proxy. """ if retry_strategy is True: retry_strategy = retrying.retry_strategy() if not retry_strategy: self.session = Session() else: self.session = retrying._RetryingSession(retry_strategy) self.endpoint_url = endpoint_url self.timeout = timeout self.api_key = api_key
@property def api_key(self) -> str: """ Airtable API key or access token to use on all connections. """ return self._api_key @api_key.setter def api_key(self, value: str) -> None: self.session.headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(value)}) self._api_key = value def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<pyairtable.Api>"
[docs] def whoami(self) -> UserAndScopesDict: """ Return the current user ID and (if connected via OAuth) the list of scopes. See `Get user ID & scopes <>`_ for more information. """ data = self.request("GET", self.build_url("meta/whoami")) return assert_typed_dict(UserAndScopesDict, data)
def workspace(self, workspace_id: str) -> Workspace: return Workspace(self, workspace_id)
[docs] def base( self, base_id: str, *, validate: bool = False, force: bool = False, ) -> "pyairtable.api.base.Base": """ Return a new :class:`Base` instance that uses this instance of :class:`Api`. Args: base_id: |arg_base_id| validate: |kwarg_validate_metadata| force: |kwarg_force_metadata| Raises: KeyError: if ``validate=True`` and the given base ID does not exist. """ if validate: info = self._base_info(force=force).base(base_id) return self._base_from_info(info) return pyairtable.api.base.Base(self, base_id)
@cache_unless_forced def _base_info(self) -> Bases: """ Return a schema object that represents all bases available via the API. """ url = self.build_url("meta/bases") data = { "bases": [ base_info for page in self.iterate_requests("GET", url) for base_info in page["bases"] ] } return Bases.from_api(data, self) def _base_from_info(self, base_info: Bases.Info) -> "pyairtable.api.base.Base": return pyairtable.api.base.Base( self,,, permission_level=base_info.permission_level, )
[docs] def bases(self, *, force: bool = False) -> List["pyairtable.api.base.Base"]: """ Retrieve the base's schema and return a list of :class:`Base` instances. Args: force: |kwarg_force_metadata| Usage: >>> api.bases() [ <pyairtable.Base base_id='appSW9...'>, <pyairtable.Base base_id='appLkN...'> ] """ return [ self._base_from_info(info) for info in self._base_info(force=force).bases ]
[docs] def create_base( self, workspace_id: str, name: str, tables: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> "pyairtable.api.base.Base": """ Create a base in the given workspace. See Args: workspace_id: The ID of the workspace where the new base will live. name: The name to give to the new base. Does not need to be unique. tables: A list of ``dict`` objects that conform to Airtable's `Table model <>`__. """ return self.workspace(workspace_id).create_base(name, tables)
[docs] def table( self, base_id: str, table_name: str, *, validate: bool = False, force: bool = False, ) -> "pyairtable.api.table.Table": """ Build a new :class:`Table` instance that uses this instance of :class:`Api`. Args: base_id: |arg_base_id| table_name: The Airtable table's ID or name. validate: |kwarg_validate_metadata| force: |kwarg_force_metadata| """ base = self.base(base_id, validate=validate, force=force) return base.table(table_name, validate=validate, force=force)
[docs] def build_url(self, *components: str) -> str: """ Build a URL to the Airtable API endpoint with the given URL components, including the API version number. """ return posixpath.join(self.endpoint_url, self.VERSION, *components)
[docs] def request( self, method: str, url: str, fallback: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, json: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Any: """ Make a request to the Airtable API, optionally converting a GET to a POST if the URL exceeds the `maximum URL length <>`__. Args: method: HTTP method to use. url: The URL we're attempting to call. fallback: The method and URL to use if we have to convert a GET to a POST. options: Airtable-specific query params to use while fetching records. See :ref:`Parameters` for valid options. params: Additional query params to append to the URL as-is. json: The JSON payload for a POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE request. """ # Convert Airtable-specific options to query params, but give priority to query params # that are explicitly passed via `params=`. This is to preserve backwards-compatibility for # any library users who might be calling `self._request` directly. request_params = { **options_to_params(options or {}), **(params or {}), } # Build a requests.PreparedRequest so we can examine how long the URL is. prepared = self.session.prepare_request( requests.Request( method, url=url, params=request_params, json=json, ) ) # If our URL is too long, move *most* (not all) query params into a POST body. if ( fallback and method.upper() == "GET" and len(str(prepared.url)) >= self.MAX_URL_LENGTH ): json, spare_params = options_to_json_and_params(options or {}) return self.request( method=fallback[0], url=fallback[1], params={**spare_params, **(params or {})}, json=json, ) response = self.session.send(prepared, timeout=self.timeout) return self._process_response(response)
get = partialmethod(request, "GET") post = partialmethod(request, "POST") patch = partialmethod(request, "PATCH") delete = partialmethod(request, "DELETE") def _process_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> Any: try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: # Attempt to get Error message from response, Issue #16 try: error_dict = response.json() except ValueError: pass else: if "error" in error_dict: exc.args = (*exc.args, repr(error_dict["error"])) raise exc # Some Airtable endpoints will respond with an empty body and a 200. if not response.text: return None return response.json()
[docs] def iterate_requests( self, method: str, url: str, fallback: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, offset_field: str = "offset", ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Make one or more requests and iterates through each result. If the response payload contains an 'offset' value, this method will perform another request with that offset value as a parameter (query params for GET, body payload for POST/PATCH/etc). If the response payload is not a 'dict', it will be yielded as normal and the method will return. Args: method: HTTP method to use. url: The URL we're attempting to call. fallback: The method and URL to use if we have to convert a GET to a POST. options: Airtable-specific query params to use while fetching records. See :ref:`Parameters` for valid options. params: Additional query params to append to the URL as-is. offset_field: The key to use in the API response to determine whether there are additional pages to retrieve. """ options = options or {} params = params or {} def _get_offset_field(response: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]: value = response.get("pagination") or response # see Enterprise.audit_log field_names = offset_field.split(".") while field_names: if not (value := value.get(field_names.pop(0))): return None return str(value) while True: response = self.request( method=method, url=url, fallback=fallback, options=options, params=params, ) yield response if not isinstance(response, dict): return if not (offset := _get_offset_field(response)): return params = {**params, offset_field: offset}
[docs] def chunked(self, iterable: Sequence[T]) -> Iterator[Sequence[T]]: """ Iterate through chunks of the given sequence that are equal in size to the maximum number of records per request allowed by the API. """ return chunked(iterable, self.MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQUEST)
[docs] @enterprise_only def enterprise(self, enterprise_account_id: str) -> Enterprise: """ Build an object representing an enterprise account. """ return Enterprise(self, enterprise_account_id)
import pyairtable.api.base # noqa import pyairtable.api.table # noqa