Source code for pyairtable.api.base

import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import pyairtable.api.api
import pyairtable.api.table
from pyairtable.models.schema import BaseCollaborators, BaseSchema, BaseShares
from pyairtable.models.webhook import (
from pyairtable.utils import cache_unless_forced, enterprise_only

[docs]class Base: """ Represents an Airtable base. Usage: >>> base = api.base("appNxslc6jG0XedVM") >>> table = base.table("Table Name") >>> records = table.all() """ #: The connection to the Airtable API. api: "pyairtable.api.api.Api" #: The base ID, in the format ``appXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`` id: str #: The permission level the current user has on the base permission_level: Optional[str] # Cached metadata to reduce API calls _collaborators: Optional[BaseCollaborators] = None _schema: Optional[BaseSchema] = None _shares: Optional[List[BaseShares.Info]] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, api: Union["pyairtable.api.api.Api", str], base_id: str, *, name: Optional[str] = None, permission_level: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Old style constructor takes ``str`` arguments, and will create its own instance of :class:`Api`. This approach is deprecated, and will likely be removed in the future. >>> Base("access_token", "base_id") New style constructor takes an instance of :class:`Api`: >>> Base(api, "table_name") Args: api: An instance of :class:`Api` or an Airtable access token. base_id: An Airtable base ID. name: The name of the Airtable base, if known. permission_level: The permission level the current authenticated user has upon the Airtable base, if known. """ if isinstance(api, str): warnings.warn( "Passing API keys to pyairtable.Base is deprecated; use Api.base() instead." " See for details.", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) api = pyairtable.api.api.Api(api) self.api = api = base_id self.permission_level = permission_level self._name = name
@property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The name of the base, if provided to the constructor or available in cached base information. """ if self._collaborators: return return self._name def __repr__(self) -> str: repr = f"<Base id={!r}" if name := repr += f" {name=}" if permission_level := self.permission_level: repr += f" {permission_level=}" return repr + ">"
[docs] def table( self, id_or_name: str, *, validate: bool = False, force: bool = False, ) -> "pyairtable.api.table.Table": """ Build a new :class:`Table` instance using this instance of :class:`Base`. Args: id_or_name: An Airtable table ID or name. Table name should be unencoded, as shown on browser. validate: |kwarg_validate_metadata| force: |kwarg_force_metadata| Usage: >>> base.table('Apartments') <Table base='appLkNDICXNqxSDhG' name='Apartments'> """ if validate: schema = self.schema(force=force).table(id_or_name) return pyairtable.api.table.Table(None, self, schema) return pyairtable.api.table.Table(None, self, id_or_name)
[docs] def tables(self, *, force: bool = False) -> List["pyairtable.api.table.Table"]: """ Retrieve the base's schema and returns a list of :class:`Table` instances. Args: force: |kwarg_force_metadata| Usage: >>> base.tables() [ <Table base='appLkN...' id='tbltp8DGLhqbUmjK1' name='Apartments'>, <Table base='appLkN...' id='tblK6MZHez0ZvBChZ' name='Districts'> ] """ return [ pyairtable.api.table.Table(None, self, table_schema) for table_schema in self.schema(force=force).tables ]
[docs] def create_table( self, name: str, fields: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "pyairtable.api.table.Table": """ Create a table in the given base. Args: name: The unique table name. fields: A list of ``dict`` objects that conform to the `Airtable field model <>`__. description: The table description. Must be no longer than 20k characters. """ url = self.meta_url("tables") payload = {"name": name, "fields": fields} if description: payload["description"] = description response =, json=payload) return self.table(response["id"], validate=True, force=True)
@property def url(self) -> str: return self.api.build_url(
[docs] def meta_url(self, *components: Any) -> str: """ Build a URL to a metadata endpoint for this base. """ return self.api.build_url("meta/bases",, *components)
[docs] @cache_unless_forced def schema(self) -> BaseSchema: """ Retrieve the schema of all tables in the base and caches it. Usage: >>> base.schema().tables [TableSchema(...), TableSchema(...), ...] >>> base.schema().table("tblXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") TableSchema(id="tblXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", ...) >>> base.schema().table("My Table") TableSchema(id="...", name="My Table", ...) """ url = self.meta_url("tables") params = {"include": ["visibleFieldIds"]} data = self.api.get(url, params=params) return BaseSchema.from_api(data, self.api, context=self)
@property def webhooks_url(self) -> str: return self.api.build_url("bases",, "webhooks")
[docs] def webhooks(self) -> List[Webhook]: """ Retrieve all the base's webhooks (see: `List webhooks <>`_). Usage: >>> base.webhooks() [ Webhook( id='ach00000000000001', are_notifications_enabled=True, cursor_for_next_payload=1, is_hook_enabled=True, last_successful_notification_time=None, notification_url="", last_notification_result=None, expiration_time="2023-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", specification: WebhookSpecification(...) ) ] """ response = self.api.get(self.webhooks_url) return [ Webhook.from_api(data, self.api, context=self) for data in response["webhooks"] ]
[docs] def webhook(self, webhook_id: str) -> Webhook: """ Build a single webhook or raises ``KeyError`` if the given ID is invalid. Airtable's API does not permit retrieving a single webhook, so this function will call :meth:`~webhooks` and simply return one item from the list. """ for webhook in self.webhooks(): if == webhook_id: return webhook raise KeyError(f"webhook not found: {webhook_id!r}")
[docs] def add_webhook( self, notify_url: str, spec: Union[WebhookSpecification, Dict[Any, Any]], ) -> CreateWebhookResponse: """ Create a webhook on the base with the given `webhooks specification <>`_. The return value will contain a unique secret that must be saved in order to validate payloads as they are sent to your notification endpoint. If you do not save this, you will have no way of confirming that payloads you receive did, in fact, come from Airtable. For more on how to validate notifications to your webhook, see :meth:`WebhookNotification.from_request() <pyairtable.models.WebhookNotification.from_request>`. Usage: >>> base.add_webhook( ... "", ... { ... "options": { ... "filters": { ... "dataTypes": ["tableData"], ... } ... } ... } ... ) CreateWebhookResponse( id='ach00000000000001', mac_secret_base64='c3VwZXIgZHVwZXIgc2VjcmV0', expiration_time='2023-07-01T00:00:00.000Z' ) Raises: pydantic.ValidationError: If the dict provided is invalid. Args: notify_url: The URL where Airtable will POST all event notifications. spec: The configuration for the webhook. It is easiest to pass a dict that conforms to the `webhooks specification`_ but you can also provide :class:`~pyairtable.models.webhook.WebhookSpecification`. """ if isinstance(spec, dict): spec = WebhookSpecification.from_api(spec, self.api) create = CreateWebhook(notification_url=notify_url, specification=spec) request = create.dict(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) response =, json=request) return CreateWebhookResponse.from_api(response, self.api)
[docs] @enterprise_only @cache_unless_forced def collaborators(self) -> "BaseCollaborators": """ Retrieve `base collaborators <>`__. """ params = {"include": ["collaborators", "inviteLinks", "interfaces"]} data = self.api.get(self.meta_url(), params=params) return BaseCollaborators.from_api(data, self.api, context=self)
[docs] @enterprise_only @cache_unless_forced def shares(self) -> List[BaseShares.Info]: """ Retrieve `base shares <>`__. """ data = self.api.get(self.meta_url("shares")) shares_obj = BaseShares.from_api(data, self.api, context=self) return shares_obj.shares
[docs] @enterprise_only def delete(self) -> None: """ Delete the base. Usage: >>> base = api.base("appMxESAta6clCCwF") >>> base.delete() """ self.api.delete(self.meta_url())