Source code for pyairtable.api.table

import posixpath
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Union, overload

import pyairtable.models
from pyairtable.api.retrying import Retry
from pyairtable.api.types import (
from pyairtable.models.schema import FieldSchema, TableSchema, parse_field_schema
from pyairtable.utils import is_table_id

[docs]class Table: """ Represents an Airtable table. Usage: >>> api = Api(access_token) >>> table = api.table("base_id", "table_name") >>> records = table.all() """ #: The base that this table belongs to. base: "pyairtable.api.base.Base" #: Can be either the table name or the table ID (``tblXXXXXXXXXXXXXX``). name: str # Cached schema information to reduce API calls _schema: Optional[TableSchema] = None @overload def __init__( self, api_key: str, base_id: str, table_name: str, *, timeout: Optional["pyairtable.api.api.TimeoutTuple"] = None, retry_strategy: Optional[Retry] = None, endpoint_url: str = "", ): ... @overload def __init__( self, api_key: None, base_id: "pyairtable.api.base.Base", table_name: str, ): ... @overload def __init__( self, api_key: None, base_id: "pyairtable.api.base.Base", table_name: TableSchema, ): ...
[docs] def __init__( self, api_key: Union[None, str], base_id: Union["pyairtable.api.base.Base", str], table_name: Union[str, TableSchema], **kwargs: Any, ): """ Old style constructor takes ``str`` arguments, and will create its own instance of :class:`Api`. This constructor can also be provided with keyword arguments to the :class:`Api` class. This approach is deprecated, and will likely be removed in the future. >>> Table("api_key", "base_id", "table_name", timeout=(1, 1)) New style constructor has an odd signature to preserve backwards-compatibility with the old style (above), requiring ``None`` as the first argument, followed by an instance of :class:`Base`, followed by the table name. >>> Table(None, base, "table_name") These signatures may change in the future. Developers using this library are encouraged to not construct Table instances directly, and instead fetch tables via :meth:`Api.table() <pyairtable.Api.table>`. """ if isinstance(api_key, str) and isinstance(base_id, str): warnings.warn( "Passing API keys or base IDs to pyairtable.Table is deprecated;" " use Api.table() or Base.table() instead." " See for details.", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) api = pyairtable.api.api.Api(api_key, **kwargs) self.base = api.base(base_id) elif api_key is None and isinstance(base := base_id, pyairtable.api.base.Base): self.base = base else: raise TypeError( "Table() expects (None, Base, str | TableSchema);" f" got ({type(api_key)}, {type(base_id)}, {type(table_name)})" ) if isinstance(table_name, str): = table_name elif isinstance(schema := table_name, TableSchema): self._schema = schema = else: raise TypeError( "Table() expects (None, Base, str | TableSchema);" f" got ({type(api_key)}, {type(base_id)}, {type(table_name)})" )
def __repr__(self) -> str: if self._schema: return f"<Table base={!r} id={!r} name={!r}>" return f"<Table base={!r} name={!r}>" @property def id(self) -> str: """ Get the table's Airtable ID. If the instance was created with a name rather than an ID, this property will perform an API request to retrieve the base's schema. For example: .. code-block:: python # This will not create any network traffic >>> table = base.table('tbl00000000000123') >>> 'tbl00000000000123' # This will fetch schema for the base when `` is called >>> table = base.table('Table Name') >>> 'tbl00000000000123' """ if is_table_id( return return self.schema().id @property def url(self) -> str: """ Build the URL for this table. """ token = if self._schema else return self.api.build_url(, urllib.parse.quote(token, safe=""))
[docs] def meta_url(self, *components: str) -> str: """ Build a URL to a metadata endpoint for this table. """ return self.api.build_url( f"meta/bases/{}/tables/{}", *components )
[docs] def record_url(self, record_id: RecordId, *components: str) -> str: """ Build the URL for the given record ID, with optional trailing components. """ return posixpath.join(self.url, record_id, *components)
@property def api(self) -> "pyairtable.api.api.Api": """ The API connection used by the table's :class:`~pyairtable.Base`. """ return self.base.api
[docs] def get(self, record_id: RecordId, **options: Any) -> RecordDict: """ Retrieve a record by its ID. >>> table.get('recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D') {'id': 'recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'fields': {'First Name': 'John', 'Age': 21}} Args: record_id: |arg_record_id| Keyword Args: cell_format: |kwarg_cell_format| time_zone: |kwarg_time_zone| user_locale: |kwarg_user_locale| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ record = self.api.get(self.record_url(record_id), options=options) return assert_typed_dict(RecordDict, record)
[docs] def iterate(self, **options: Any) -> Iterator[List[RecordDict]]: """ Iterate through each page of results from `List records <>`_. To get all records at once, use :meth:`all`. >>> it = table.iterate() >>> next(it) [{"id": ...}, {"id": ...}, {"id": ...}, ...] >>> next(it) [{"id": ...}, {"id": ...}, {"id": ...}, ...] >>> next(it) [{"id": ...}] >>> next(it) Traceback (most recent call last): StopIteration Keyword Args: view: |kwarg_view| page_size: |kwarg_page_size| max_records: |kwarg_max_records| fields: |kwarg_fields| sort: |kwarg_sort| formula: |kwarg_formula| cell_format: |kwarg_cell_format| user_locale: |kwarg_user_locale| time_zone: |kwarg_time_zone| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ for page in self.api.iterate_requests( method="get", url=self.url, fallback=("post", f"{self.url}/listRecords"), options=options, ): yield assert_typed_dicts(RecordDict, page.get("records", []))
[docs] def all(self, **options: Any) -> List[RecordDict]: """ Retrieve all matching records in a single list. >>> table = api.table('base_id', 'table_name') >>> table.all(view='MyView', fields=['ColA', '-ColB']) [{'fields': ...}, ...] >>> table.all(max_records=50) [{'fields': ...}, ...] Keyword Args: view: |kwarg_view| page_size: |kwarg_page_size| max_records: |kwarg_max_records| fields: |kwarg_fields| sort: |kwarg_sort| formula: |kwarg_formula| cell_format: |kwarg_cell_format| user_locale: |kwarg_user_locale| time_zone: |kwarg_time_zone| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ return [record for page in self.iterate(**options) for record in page]
[docs] def first(self, **options: Any) -> Optional[RecordDict]: """ Retrieve the first matching record. Returns ``None`` if no records are returned. This is similar to :meth:`~pyairtable.Table.all`, except it sets ``page_size`` and ``max_records`` to ``1``. Keyword Args: view: |kwarg_view| fields: |kwarg_fields| sort: |kwarg_sort| formula: |kwarg_formula| cell_format: |kwarg_cell_format| user_locale: |kwarg_user_locale| time_zone: |kwarg_time_zone| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ options.update(dict(page_size=1, max_records=1)) for page in self.iterate(**options): for record in page: return record return None
[docs] def create( self, fields: WritableFields, typecast: bool = False, return_fields_by_field_id: bool = False, ) -> RecordDict: """ Create a new record >>> record = {'Name': 'John'} >>> table = api.table('base_id', 'table_name') >>> table.create(record) Args: fields: Fields to insert. Must be a dict with field names or IDs as keys. typecast: |kwarg_typecast| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ created = url=self.url, json={ "fields": fields, "typecast": typecast, "returnFieldsByFieldId": return_fields_by_field_id, }, ) return assert_typed_dict(RecordDict, created)
[docs] def batch_create( self, records: Iterable[WritableFields], typecast: bool = False, return_fields_by_field_id: bool = False, ) -> List[RecordDict]: """ Create a number of new records in batches. >>> table.batch_create([{'Name': 'John'}, {'Name': 'Marc'}]) [ { 'id': 'recW9e0c9w0er9gug', 'createdTime': '2017-03-14T22:04:31.000Z', 'fields': {'Name': 'John'} }, { 'id': 'recW9e0c9w0er9guh', 'createdTime': '2017-03-14T22:04:31.000Z', 'fields': {'Name': 'Marc'} } ] Args: records: Iterable of dicts representing records to be created. typecast: |kwarg_typecast| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ inserted_records = [] # If we got an iterator, exhaust it and collect it into a list. records = list(records) for chunk in self.api.chunked(records): new_records = [{"fields": fields} for fields in chunk] response = url=self.url, json={ "records": new_records, "typecast": typecast, "returnFieldsByFieldId": return_fields_by_field_id, }, ) inserted_records += assert_typed_dicts(RecordDict, response["records"]) return inserted_records
[docs] def update( self, record_id: RecordId, fields: WritableFields, replace: bool = False, typecast: bool = False, return_fields_by_field_id: bool = False, ) -> RecordDict: """ Update a particular record ID with the given fields. >>> table.update('recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', {"Age": 21}) {'id': 'recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'fields': {'First Name': 'John', 'Age': 21}} >>> table.update('recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', {"Age": 22}, replace=True) {'id': 'recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'fields': {'Age': 22}} Args: record_id: |arg_record_id| fields: Fields to update. Must be a dict with column names or IDs as keys. replace: |kwarg_replace| typecast: |kwarg_typecast| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| """ method = "put" if replace else "patch" updated = self.api.request( method=method, url=self.record_url(record_id), json={ "fields": fields, "typecast": typecast, "returnFieldsByFieldId": return_fields_by_field_id, }, ) return assert_typed_dict(RecordDict, updated)
[docs] def batch_update( self, records: Iterable[UpdateRecordDict], replace: bool = False, typecast: bool = False, return_fields_by_field_id: bool = False, ) -> List[RecordDict]: """ Update several records in batches. Args: records: Records to update. replace: |kwarg_replace| typecast: |kwarg_typecast| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| Returns: The list of updated records. """ updated_records = [] method = "put" if replace else "patch" # If we got an iterator, exhaust it and collect it into a list. records = list(records) for chunk in self.api.chunked(records): chunk_records = [{"id": x["id"], "fields": x["fields"]} for x in chunk] response = self.api.request( method=method, url=self.url, json={ "records": chunk_records, "typecast": typecast, "returnFieldsByFieldId": return_fields_by_field_id, }, ) updated_records += assert_typed_dicts(RecordDict, response["records"]) return updated_records
[docs] def batch_upsert( self, records: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], key_fields: List[FieldName], replace: bool = False, typecast: bool = False, return_fields_by_field_id: bool = False, ) -> UpsertResultDict: """ Update or create records in batches, either using ``id`` (if given) or using a set of fields (``key_fields``) to look for matches. For more information on how this operation behaves, see Airtable's API documentation for `Update multiple records <>`__. .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 Args: records: Records to update. key_fields: List of field names that Airtable should use to match records in the input with existing records on the server. replace: |kwarg_replace| typecast: |kwarg_typecast| return_fields_by_field_id: |kwarg_return_fields_by_field_id| Returns: Lists of created/updated record IDs, along with the list of all records affected. """ # If we got an iterator, exhaust it and collect it into a list. records = list(records) # The API will reject a request where a record is missing any of fieldsToMergeOn, # but we might not reach that error until we've done several batch operations. # To spare implementers from having to recover from a partially applied upsert, # and to simplify our API, we will raise an exception before any network calls. for record in records: if "id" in record: continue missing = set(key_fields) - set(record.get("fields", [])) if missing: raise ValueError(f"missing {missing!r} in {record['fields'].keys()!r}") method = "put" if replace else "patch" result: UpsertResultDict = { "updatedRecords": [], "createdRecords": [], "records": [], } for chunk in self.api.chunked(records): formatted_records = [ {k: v for (k, v) in record.items() if k in ("id", "fields")} for record in chunk ] response = self.api.request( method=method, url=self.url, json={ "records": formatted_records, "typecast": typecast, "returnFieldsByFieldId": return_fields_by_field_id, "performUpsert": {"fieldsToMergeOn": key_fields}, }, ) result["updatedRecords"].extend(response["updatedRecords"]) result["createdRecords"].extend(response["createdRecords"]) result["records"].extend( assert_typed_dicts(RecordDict, response["records"]) ) return result
[docs] def delete(self, record_id: RecordId) -> RecordDeletedDict: """ Delete the given record. >>> table.delete('recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D') {'id': 'recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'deleted': True} Args: record_id: |arg_record_id| Returns: Confirmation that the record was deleted. """ return assert_typed_dict( RecordDeletedDict, self.api.delete(self.record_url(record_id)), )
[docs] def batch_delete(self, record_ids: Iterable[RecordId]) -> List[RecordDeletedDict]: """ Delete the given records, operating in batches. >>> table.batch_delete(['recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'recwDxIfs3wDPyc3F']) [ {'id': 'recwPQIfs4wKPyc9D', 'deleted': True}, {'id': 'recwDxIfs3wDPyc3F', 'deleted': True} ] Args: record_ids: Record IDs to delete Returns: Confirmation that the records were deleted. """ deleted_records = [] # If we got an iterator, exhaust it and collect it into a list. record_ids = list(record_ids) for chunk in self.api.chunked(record_ids): result = self.api.delete(self.url, params={"records[]": chunk}) deleted_records += assert_typed_dicts(RecordDeletedDict, result["records"]) return deleted_records
[docs] def comments(self, record_id: RecordId) -> List["pyairtable.models.Comment"]: """ Retrieve all comments on the given record. Usage: >>> table = Api.table("appNxslc6jG0XedVM", "tblslc6jG0XedVMNx") >>> table.comments("recMNxslc6jG0XedV") [ Comment( id='comdVMNxslc6jG0Xe', text='Hello, @[usrVMNxslc6jG0Xed]!', created_time='2023-06-07T17:46:24.435891', last_updated_time=None, mentioned={ 'usrVMNxslc6jG0Xed': Mentioned( display_name='Alice', email='', id='usrVMNxslc6jG0Xed', type='user' ) }, author=Collaborator( id='usr0000pyairtable', email='', name='Your pyairtable access token' ) ) ] Args: record_id: |arg_record_id| """ url = self.record_url(record_id, "comments") return [ pyairtable.models.Comment.from_api( comment, self.api, context={"record_url": self.record_url(record_id)} ) for page in self.api.iterate_requests("GET", url) for comment in page["comments"] ]
[docs] def add_comment( self, record_id: RecordId, text: str, ) -> "pyairtable.models.Comment": """ Create a comment on a record. See `Create comment <>`_ for details. Usage: >>> table = Api.table("appNxslc6jG0XedVM", "tblslc6jG0XedVMNx") >>> comment = table.add_comment("recMNxslc6jG0XedV", "Hello, @[usrVMNxslc6jG0Xed]!") >>> comment.text = "Never mind!" >>> >>> comment.delete() Args: record_id: |arg_record_id| text: The text of the comment. Use ``@[usrIdentifier]`` to mention users. """ url = self.record_url(record_id, "comments") response =, json={"text": text}) return pyairtable.models.Comment.from_api( response, self.api, context={"record_url": self.record_url(record_id)} )
[docs] def schema(self, *, force: bool = False) -> TableSchema: """ Retrieve the schema of the current table. Usage: >>> table.schema() TableSchema( id='tblslc6jG0XedVMNx', name='My Table', primary_field_id='fld6jG0XedVMNxFQW', fields=[...], views=[...] ) Args: force: |kwarg_force_metadata| """ if force or not self._schema: self._schema = self.base.schema(force=force).table( return self._schema
[docs] def create_field( self, name: str, type: str, description: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> FieldSchema: """ Create a field on the table. Args: name: The unique name of the field. field_type: One of the `Airtable field types <>`__. description: A long form description of the table. options: Only available for some field types. For more information, read about the `Airtable field model <>`__. """ request: Dict[str, Any] = {"name": name, "type": type} if description: request["description"] = description if options: request["options"] = options response ="fields"), json=request) # This hopscotch ensures that the FieldSchema object we return has an API and a URL, # and that developers don't need to reload our schema to be able to access it. field_schema = parse_field_schema(response) field_schema._set_api( self.api, context={ "base": self.base, "table_schema": self._schema or self, }, ) if self._schema: self._schema.fields.append(field_schema) return field_schema
# These are at the bottom of the module to avoid circular imports import pyairtable.api.api # noqa import pyairtable.api.base # noqa