Source code for pyairtable.api.types

pyAirtable provides a number of type aliases and TypedDicts which are used as inputs
and return values to various pyAirtable methods.

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast

from typing_extensions import Required, TypeAlias, TypedDict

from pyairtable._compat import pydantic

T = TypeVar("T")

#: An alias for ``str`` used internally for disambiguation.
#: Record IDs for Airtable look like ``"recAdw9EjV90xbZ"``.
RecordId: TypeAlias = str

#: An alias for ``str`` used internally for disambiguation.
#: Airtable returns timestamps as ISO 8601 UTC strings,
#: e.g. ``"2023-05-22T21:24:15.333134Z"``
Timestamp: TypeAlias = str

#: An alias for ``str`` used internally for disambiguation.
#: Field names can be any valid string.
FieldName: TypeAlias = str

[docs]class NestedIdDict(TypedDict): id: str
[docs]class AITextDict(TypedDict, total=False): """ A ``dict`` representing text generated by AI. >>> record = table.get('recW8eG2x0ew1Af') >>> record['fields']['Generated Text'] { 'state': 'generated', 'isStale': False, 'value': '...' } """ state: Required[str] isStale: Required[bool] value: Required[Optional[str]] errorType: str
[docs]class AttachmentDict(TypedDict, total=False): """ A ``dict`` representing an attachment stored in an Attachments field. >>> record = table.get('recW8eG2x0ew1Af') >>> record['fields']['Attachments'] [ { 'id': 'attW8eG2x0ew1Af', 'url': '', 'filename': 'hello.jpg' } ] See """ id: Required[str] url: Required[str] type: str filename: str size: int height: int width: int thumbnails: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]
[docs]class CreateAttachmentDict(TypedDict, total=False): """ A ``dict`` representing a new attachment to be written to the Airtable API. >>> new_attachment = { ... "url": "", ... "filename": "something_else.jpg", ... } >>> existing = record["fields"].setdefault("Attachments", []) >>> existing.append(new_attachment) >>> table.update(existing["id"], existing["fields"]) """ url: Required[str] filename: str
[docs]class BarcodeDict(TypedDict, total=False): """ A ``dict`` representing the value stored in a Barcode field. >>> record = table.get('recW8eG2x0ew1Af') >>> record['fields']['Barcode'] {'type': 'upce', 'text': '01234567'} See """ type: str text: Required[str]
[docs]class ButtonDict(TypedDict): """ A ``dict`` representing the value stored in a Button field. >>> record = table.get('recW8eG2x0ew1Af') >>> record['fields']['Click Me'] {'label': 'Click Me', 'url': ''} See """ label: str url: Optional[str]
[docs]class CollaboratorDict(TypedDict, total=False): """ A dict representing the value stored in a User field returned from the API. >>> record = table.get('recW8eG2x0ew1Af') >>> record['fields']['Created By'] { 'id': 'usrAdw9EjV90xbW', 'email': '', 'name': 'Alice Arnold' } >>> record['fields']['Collaborators'] [ { 'id': 'usrAdw9EjV90xbW', 'email': '', 'name': 'Alice Arnold' }, { 'id': 'usrAdw9EjV90xbX', 'email': '', 'name': 'Bob Barker' } ] See """ id: Required[str] email: str name: str profilePicUrl: str
[docs]class CollaboratorEmailDict(TypedDict): """ A dict representing a collaborator identified by email, not by ID. Often used when writing to the API, because the email of a collaborator may be more easily accessible than their Airtable user ID. >>> table = Table("access_token", "base_id", "api_key") >>> record = table.update("recW8eG2x0ew1Af", { ... "Collaborator": {"email": ""} ... }) >>> record { 'id': 'recW8eG2x0ew1Af', 'createdTime': 2023-06-07T17:35:17Z', 'fields': { 'Collaborator': { 'id': 'usrAdw9EjV90xbW', 'email': '', 'name': 'Alice Arnold' } } } """ email: str
[docs]class AddUserCollaboratorDict(TypedDict): """ Used to add a user as a collaborator to a base, workspace, or interface. """ user: NestedIdDict permissionLevel: str
[docs]class AddGroupCollaboratorDict(TypedDict): """ Used to add a group as a collaborator to a base, workspace, or interface. """ group: NestedIdDict permissionLevel: str
AddCollaboratorDict: TypeAlias = Union[ AddUserCollaboratorDict, AddGroupCollaboratorDict ] #: Represents the types of values that we might receive from the API. #: At present, is an alias for ``Any`` because we don't want to lose #: forward compatibility with any changes Airtable makes in the future. FieldValue: TypeAlias = Any #: A mapping of field names to values that we might receive from the API. Fields: TypeAlias = Dict[FieldName, FieldValue] #: Represents the types of values that can be written to the Airtable API. WritableFieldValue: TypeAlias = Union[ None, str, int, float, bool, CollaboratorDict, CollaboratorEmailDict, BarcodeDict, List[str], List[AttachmentDict], List[CreateAttachmentDict], List[CollaboratorDict], List[CollaboratorEmailDict], ] #: A mapping of field names to values which can be sent to the API. WritableFields: TypeAlias = Dict[FieldName, WritableFieldValue]
[docs]class RecordDict(TypedDict): """ A ``dict`` representing a record returned from the Airtable API. See `List records <>`__. Usage: >>> table.first(formula="Name = 'Alice'") { 'id': 'recAdw9EjV90xbW', 'createdTime': '2023-05-22T21:24:15.333134Z', 'fields': {'Name': 'Alice', 'Department': 'Engineering'} } """ id: RecordId createdTime: Timestamp fields: Fields
[docs]class CreateRecordDict(TypedDict): """ A ``dict`` representing the payload passed to the Airtable API to create a record. Field values must each be a :data:`~pyairtable.api.types.WritableFieldValue`. Usage: >>> table.create({ ... "fields": { ... "Field Name": "Field Value", ... "Other Field": ["Value 1", "Value 2"] ... } ... }) """ fields: WritableFields
[docs]class UpdateRecordDict(TypedDict): """ A ``dict`` representing the payload passed to the Airtable API to update a record. Field values must each be a :data:`~pyairtable.api.types.WritableFieldValue`. Usage: >>> table.batch_update([ ... { ... "id": "recAdw9EjV90xbW", ... "fields": { ... "Email": "" ... } ... }, ... { ... "id": "recAdw9EjV90xbX", ... "fields": { ... "Email": "" ... } ... } ... ]) """ id: RecordId fields: WritableFields
[docs]class RecordDeletedDict(TypedDict): """ A ``dict`` representing the payload returned by the Airtable API to confirm a deletion. Usage: >>> table.delete("recAdw9EjV90xbZ") {'id': 'recAdw9EjV90xbZ', 'deleted': True} """ id: RecordId deleted: bool
[docs]class UpsertResultDict(TypedDict): """ A ``dict`` representing the payload returned by the Airtable API after an upsert. For more details on this data structure, see the `Update multiple records <>`__ API documentation. Usage: >>> table.batch_upsert(records, key_fields=["Name"]) { 'createdRecords': [...], 'updatedRecords': [...], 'records': [...] } """ createdRecords: List[RecordId] updatedRecords: List[RecordId] records: List[RecordDict]
[docs]class UserAndScopesDict(TypedDict, total=False): """ A ``dict`` representing the `Get user ID & scopes <>`_ endpoint. Usage: >>> api.whoami() {'id': 'usrX9e810wHn3mMLz'} """ id: Required[str] scopes: List[str]
@lru_cache def _create_model_from_typeddict(cls: Type[T]) -> Type[pydantic.BaseModel]: """ Create a pydantic model from a TypedDict to use as a validator. Memoizes the result so we don't have to call this more than once per class. """ # Mypy can't tell that we are using pydantic v1. return pydantic.create_model_from_typeddict(cls) # type: ignore[no-any-return, operator, unused-ignore]
[docs]def assert_typed_dict(cls: Type[T], obj: Any) -> T: """ Raises a TypeError if the given object is not a dict, or raises pydantic.ValidationError if the given object does not conform to the interface declared by the given TypedDict. Args: cls: The TypedDict class. obj: The object that should be a TypedDict. Usage: >>> assert_typed_dict( ... RecordDict, ... { ... "id": "recAdw9EjV90xbZ", ... "createdTime": "2023-05-22T21:24:15.333134Z", ... "fields": {}, ... } ... ) { 'id': 'recAdw9EjV90xbZ', 'createdTime': '2023-05-22T21:24:15.333134Z', 'fields': {} } >>> assert_typed_dict(RecordDict, {"foo": "bar"}) Traceback (most recent call last): pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 3 validation errors for RecordDict id field required (type=value_error.missing) createdTime field required (type=value_error.missing) fields field required (type=value_error.missing) """ if not isinstance(obj, dict): raise TypeError(f"expected dict, got {type(obj)}") # mypy complains cls isn't Hashable, but it is; see model = _create_model_from_typeddict(cls) # type: ignore model(**obj) return cast(T, obj)
[docs]def assert_typed_dicts(cls: Type[T], objects: Any) -> List[T]: """ Like :func:`~pyairtable.api.types.assert_typed_dict` but for a list of dicts. Args: cls: The TypedDict class. objects: The object that should be a list of TypedDicts. """ if not isinstance(objects, list): raise TypeError(f"expected list, got {type(objects)}") return [assert_typed_dict(cls, obj) for obj in objects]
[docs]def is_airtable_error(obj: Any) -> bool: """ Determine whether the given object represents an Airtable error. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return set(obj) in ({"error"}, {"specialValue"}) return False