Source code for pyairtable.api.workspace

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from pyairtable.models.schema import WorkspaceCollaborators
from pyairtable.utils import cache_unless_forced, enterprise_only

[docs]class Workspace: """ Represents an Airtable workspace, which contains a number of bases and its own set of collaborators. >>> ws = api.workspace("wspmhESAta6clCCwF") >>> ws.collaborators().name 'my first workspace' >>> ws.create_base("Base Name", tables=[...]) <pyairtable.Base base_id="appMhESAta6clCCwF"> Most workspace functionality is limited to users on Enterprise billing plans. """ _collaborators: Optional[WorkspaceCollaborators] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, api: "pyairtable.api.api.Api", workspace_id: str): self.api = api = workspace_id
@property def url(self) -> str: return self.api.build_url("meta/workspaces",
[docs] def create_base( self, name: str, tables: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> "pyairtable.api.base.Base": """ Create a base in the given workspace. See Args: name: The name to give to the new base. Does not need to be unique. tables: A list of ``dict`` objects that conform to Airtable's `Table model <>`__. """ url = self.api.build_url("meta/bases") payload = {"name": name, "workspaceId":, "tables": list(tables)} response =, json=payload) return self.api.base(response["id"], validate=True, force=True)
# Everything below here requires .info() and is therefore Enterprise-only
[docs] @enterprise_only @cache_unless_forced def collaborators(self) -> WorkspaceCollaborators: """ Retrieve basic information, collaborators, and invite links for the given workspace, caching the result. See """ params = {"include": ["collaborators", "inviteLinks"]} payload = self.api.get(self.url, params=params) return WorkspaceCollaborators.from_api(payload, self.api, context=self)
[docs] @enterprise_only def bases(self) -> List["pyairtable.api.base.Base"]: """ Retrieve all bases within the workspace. """ return [self.api.base(base_id) for base_id in self.collaborators().base_ids]
@property @enterprise_only def name(self) -> str: """ The name of the workspace. """ return self.collaborators().name
[docs] @enterprise_only def delete(self) -> None: """ Delete the workspace. See Usage: >>> ws = api.workspace("wspmhESAta6clCCwF") >>> ws.delete() """ self.api.delete(self.url)
[docs] @enterprise_only def move_base( self, base: Union[str, "pyairtable.api.base.Base"], target: Union[str, "Workspace"], index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ Move the given base to a new workspace. See Usage: >>> ws = api.workspace("wspmhESAta6clCCwF") >>> base = api.workspace("appCwFmhESAta6clC") >>> workspace.move_base(base, "wspSomeOtherPlace", index=0) """ base_id = base if isinstance(base, str) else target_id = target if isinstance(target, str) else payload: Dict[str, Any] = {"baseId": base_id, "targetWorkspaceId": target_id} if index is not None: payload["targetIndex"] = index url = self.url + "/moveBase", json=payload)
# These are at the bottom of the module to avoid circular imports import pyairtable.api.api # noqa import pyairtable.api.base # noqa