Source code for pyairtable.formulas

import re
from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import Any

from pyairtable.api.types import Fields

from .utils import date_to_iso_str, datetime_to_iso_str

[docs]def match(dict_values: Fields, *, match_any: bool = False) -> str: """ Create one or more ``EQUAL()`` expressions for each provided dict value. If more than one assetions is included, the expressions are groupped together into using ``AND()`` (all values must match). If ``match_any=True``, expressions are grouped with ``OR()``, record is return if any of the values match. This function also handles escaping field names and casting python values to the appropriate airtable types using :func:`to_airtable_value` on all provided values to help generate the expected formula syntax. If you need more advanced matching you can build similar expressions using lower level forumula primitives. Args: dict_values: dictionary containing column names and values Keyword Args: match_any (``bool``, default: ``False``): If ``True``, matches if **any** of the provided values match. Otherwise, all values must match. Usage: >>> match({"First Name": "John", "Age": 21}) "AND({First Name}='John',{Age}=21)" >>> match({"First Name": "John", "Age": 21}, match_any=True) "OR({First Name}='John',{Age}=21)" >>> match({"First Name": "John"}) "{First Name}='John'" >>> match({"Registered": True}) "{Registered}=1" >>> match({"Owner's Name": "Mike"}) "{Owner\\'s Name}='Mike'" """ expressions = [] for key, value in dict_values.items(): expression = EQUAL(FIELD(key), to_airtable_value(value)) expressions.append(expression) if len(expressions) == 0: return "" elif len(expressions) == 1: return expressions[0] else: if not match_any: return AND(*expressions) else: return OR(*expressions)
[docs]def escape_quotes(value: str) -> str: r""" Ensures any quotes are escaped. Already escaped quotes are ignored. Args: value: text to be escaped Usage: >>> escape_quotes("Player's Name") Player\'s Name >>> escape_quotes("Player\'s Name") Player\'s Name """ escaped_value = re.sub("(?<!\\\\)'", "\\'", value) return escaped_value
[docs]def to_airtable_value(value: Any) -> Any: """ Cast value to appropriate airtable types and format. For example, to check ``bool`` values in formulas, you actually to compare to 0 and 1. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Input - Output * - ``bool`` - ``int`` * - ``str`` - ``str``; text is wrapped in `'single quotes'`; existing quotes are escaped. * - all others - unchanged Args: value: value to be cast. """ if isinstance(value, bool): return int(value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return STR_VALUE(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime): return datetime_to_iso_str(value) elif isinstance(value, date): return date_to_iso_str(value) else: return value
[docs]def EQUAL(left: Any, right: Any) -> str: """ Create an equality assertion >>> EQUAL(2,2) '2=2' """ return "{}={}".format(left, right)
[docs]def FIELD(name: str) -> str: """ Create a reference to a field. Quotes are escaped. Args: name: field name Usage: >>> FIELD("First Name") '{First Name}' >>> FIELD("Guest's Name") "{Guest\\'s Name}" """ return "{%s}" % escape_quotes(name)
[docs]def STR_VALUE(value: str) -> str: """ Wrap string in quotes. This is needed when referencing a string inside a formula. Quotes are escaped. >>> STR_VALUE("John") "'John'" >>> STR_VALUE("Guest's Name") "'Guest\\'s Name'" >>> EQUAL(STR_VALUE("John"), FIELD("First Name")) "'John'={First Name}" """ return "'{}'".format(escape_quotes(str(value)))
[docs]def IF(logical: str, value1: str, value2: str) -> str: """ Create an IF statement >>> IF(1=1, 0, 1) 'IF(1=1, 0, 1)' """ return "IF({}, {}, {})".format(logical, value1, value2)
[docs]def FIND(what: str, where: str, start_position: int = 0) -> str: """ Create a FIND statement >>> FIND(STR_VALUE(2021), FIELD('DatetimeCol')) "FIND('2021', {DatetimeCol})" Args: what: String to search for where: Where to search. Could be a string, or a field reference. start_position: Index of where to start search. Default is 0. """ if start_position: return "FIND({}, {}, {})".format(what, where, start_position) else: return "FIND({}, {})".format(what, where)
[docs]def AND(*args: str) -> str: """ Create an AND Statement >>> AND(1, 2, 3) 'AND(1, 2, 3)' """ return "AND({})".format(",".join(args))
[docs]def OR(*args: str) -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 Creates an OR Statement >>> OR(1, 2, 3) 'OR(1, 2, 3)' """ return "OR({})".format(",".join(args))
[docs]def LOWER(value: str) -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 Creates the LOWER function, making a string lowercase. Can be used on a string or a field name and will lower all the strings in the field. >>> LOWER("TestValue") "LOWER(TestValue)" """ return "LOWER({})".format(value)
[docs]def NOT_EQUAL(left: Any, right: Any) -> str: """ Create an inequality assertion >>> NOT_EQUAL(2,2) '2!=2' """ return "{}!={}".format(left, right)
[docs]def LESS_EQUAL(left: Any, right: Any) -> str: """ Create a less than assertion >>> LESS_EQUAL(2,2) '2<=2' """ return "{}<={}".format(left, right)
[docs]def GREATER_EQUAL(left: Any, right: Any) -> str: """ Create a greater than assertion >>> GREATER_EQUAL(2,2) '2>=2' """ return "{}>={}".format(left, right)
[docs]def LESS(left: Any, right: Any) -> str: """ Create a less assertion >>> LESS(2,2) '2<2' """ return "{}<{}".format(left, right)
[docs]def GREATER(left: Any, right: Any) -> str: """ Create a greater assertion >>> GREATER(2,2) '2>2' """ return "{}>{}".format(left, right)