Source code for pyairtable.orm.model

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional

from typing_extensions import Self as SelfType

from pyairtable.api.api import Api
from pyairtable.api.base import Base
from pyairtable.api.table import Table
from pyairtable.api.types import (
from pyairtable.formulas import OR, STR_VALUE
from pyairtable.models import Comment
from pyairtable.orm.fields import AnyField, Field

[docs]class Model: """ Supports creating ORM-style classes representing Airtable tables. For more details, see :ref:`orm`. A nested class called ``Meta`` is required and can specify the following attributes: * ``api_key`` (required) - API key or personal access token. * ``base_id`` (required) - Base ID (not name). * ``table_name`` (required) - Table ID or name. * ``timeout`` - A tuple indicating a connect and read timeout. Defaults to no timeout. * ``typecast`` - |kwarg_typecast| Defaults to ``True``. .. code-block:: python from pyairtable.orm import Model, fields class Contact(Model): first_name = fields.TextField("First Name") age = fields.IntegerField("Age") class Meta: base_id = "appaPqizdsNHDvlEm" table_name = "Contact" api_key = "keyapikey" timeout = (5, 5) typecast = True You can implement meta attributes as callables if certain values need to be dynamically provided or are unavailable at import time: .. code-block:: python from pyairtable.orm import Model, fields from your_app.config import get_secret class Contact(Model): first_name = fields.TextField("First Name") age = fields.IntegerField("Age") class Meta: base_id = "appaPqizdsNHDvlEm" table_name = "Contact" @staticmethod def api_key(): return get_secret("AIRTABLE_API_KEY") """ id: str = "" created_time: str = "" _deleted: bool = False _fields: Dict[FieldName, Any] def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any): cls._validate_class() super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: if not return f"<unsaved {self.__class__.__name__}>" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} id={!r}>" @classmethod def _attribute_descriptor_map(cls) -> Dict[str, AnyField]: """ Build a mapping of the model's attribute names to field descriptor instances. >>> class Test(Model): ... first_name = TextField("First Name") ... age = NumberField("Age") ... >>> Test._attribute_descriptor_map() >>> { ... "field_name": <TextField field_name="First Name">, ... "another_Field": <NumberField field_name="Age">, ... } """ return {k: v for k, v in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, Field)} @classmethod def _field_name_descriptor_map(cls) -> Dict[FieldName, AnyField]: """ Build a mapping of the model's field names to field descriptor instances. >>> class Test(Model): ... first_name = TextField("First Name") ... age = NumberField("Age") ... >>> Test._field_name_descriptor_map() >>> { ... "First Name": <TextField field_name="First Name">, ... "Age": <NumberField field_name="Age">, ... } """ return {f.field_name: f for f in cls._attribute_descriptor_map().values()}
[docs] def __init__(self, **fields: Any): """ Construct a model instance with field values based on the given keyword args. >>> Contact(name="Alice", birthday=date(1980, 1, 1)) <unsaved Contact> The keyword argument ``id=`` special-cased and sets the record ID, not a field value. >>> Contact(id="recWPqD9izdsNvlE", name="Bob") <Contact id='recWPqD9izdsNvlE'> """ if "id" in fields: = fields.pop("id") # Field values in internal (not API) representation self._fields = {} # Call __set__ on each field to set field values for key, value in fields.items(): if key not in self._attribute_descriptor_map(): raise AttributeError(key) setattr(self, key, value)
@classmethod def _get_meta( cls, name: str, default: Any = None, required: bool = False, call: bool = True ) -> Any: """ Retrieves the value of a Meta attribute. Args: default: The default value to return if the attribute is not set. required: Raise an exception if the attribute is not set. call: If the value is callable, call it before returning a result. """ if not hasattr(cls, "Meta"): raise AttributeError(f"{cls.__name__}.Meta must be defined") if not hasattr(cls.Meta, name): if required: raise ValueError(f"{cls.__name__}.Meta.{name} must be defined") return default value = getattr(cls.Meta, name) if call and callable(value): value = value() if required and value is None: raise ValueError(f"{cls.__name__}.Meta.{name} cannot be None") return value @classmethod def _validate_class(cls) -> None: # Verify required Meta attributes were set (but don't call any callables) assert cls._get_meta("api_key", required=True, call=False) assert cls._get_meta("base_id", required=True, call=False) assert cls._get_meta("table_name", required=True, call=False) model_attributes = [a for a in cls.__dict__.keys() if not a.startswith("__")] overridden = set(model_attributes).intersection(Model.__dict__.keys()) if overridden: raise ValueError( "Class {cls} fields clash with existing method: {name}".format( cls=cls.__name__, name=overridden ) ) @classmethod @lru_cache def get_api(cls) -> Api: return Api( api_key=cls._get_meta("api_key", required=True), timeout=cls._get_meta("timeout"), ) @classmethod def get_base(cls) -> Base: return cls.get_api().base(cls._get_meta("base_id", required=True)) @classmethod def get_table(cls) -> Table: return cls.get_base().table(cls._get_meta("table_name", required=True)) @classmethod def _typecast(cls) -> bool: return bool(cls._get_meta("typecast", default=True))
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """ Whether the instance has been saved to Airtable already. """ return bool(
[docs] def save(self) -> bool: """ Save the model to the API. If the instance does not exist already, it will be created; otherwise, the existing record will be updated. Returns: ``True`` if a record was created, ``False`` if it was updated. """ if self._deleted: raise RuntimeError(f"{} was deleted") table = self.get_table() fields = self.to_record(only_writable=True)["fields"] if not record = table.create(fields, typecast=self._typecast()) did_create = True else: record = table.update(, fields, typecast=self._typecast()) did_create = False = record["id"] self.created_time = record["createdTime"] return did_create
[docs] def delete(self) -> bool: """ Delete the record. Raises: ValueError: if the record does not exist. """ if not raise ValueError("cannot be deleted because it does not have id") table = self.get_table() result = table.delete( self._deleted = True # Is it even possible to get "deleted" False? return bool(result["deleted"])
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> List[SelfType]: """ Retrieve all records for this model. For all supported keyword arguments, see :meth:`Table.all <pyairtable.Table.all>`. """ table = cls.get_table() return [cls.from_record(record) for record in table.all(**kwargs)]
[docs] @classmethod def first(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[SelfType]: """ Retrieve the first record for this model. For all supported keyword arguments, see :meth:`Table.first <pyairtable.Table.first>`. """ table = cls.get_table() if record := table.first(**kwargs): return cls.from_record(record) return None
[docs] def to_record(self, only_writable: bool = False) -> RecordDict: """ Build a :class:`~pyairtable.api.types.RecordDict` to represent this instance. This method converts internal field values into values expected by Airtable. For example, a ``datetime`` value from :class:`~pyairtable.orm.fields.DatetimeField` is converted into an ISO 8601 string. Args: only_writable: If ``True``, the result will exclude any values which are associated with readonly fields. """ map_ = self._field_name_descriptor_map() fields = { field: None if value is None else map_[field].to_record_value(value) for field, value in self._fields.items() if not (map_[field].readonly and only_writable) } return {"id":, "createdTime": self.created_time, "fields": fields}
[docs] @classmethod def from_record(cls, record: RecordDict) -> SelfType: """ Create an instance from a record dict. """ name_field_map = cls._field_name_descriptor_map() # Convert Column Names into model field names field_values = { # Use field's to_internal_value to cast into model fields field: name_field_map[field].to_internal_value(value) for (field, value) in record["fields"].items() # Silently proceed if Airtable returns fields we don't recognize if field in name_field_map and value is not None } # Since instance(**field_values) will perform validation and fail on # any readonly fields, instead we directly set instance._fields. instance = cls(id=record["id"]) instance._fields = field_values instance.created_time = record["createdTime"] return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_id( cls, record_id: RecordId, fetch: bool = True, ) -> SelfType: """ Create an instance from a record ID. Args: record_id: |arg_record_id| fetch: If ``True``, record will be fetched and field values will be updated. If ``False``, a new instance is created with the provided ID, but field values are unset. """ instance = cls(id=record_id) if fetch: instance.fetch() return instance
[docs] def fetch(self) -> None: """ Fetch field values from the API and resets instance field values. """ if not raise ValueError("cannot be fetched because instance does not have an id") record = self.get_table().get( unused = self.from_record(record) self._fields = unused._fields self.created_time = unused.created_time
[docs] @classmethod def from_ids( cls, record_ids: Iterable[RecordId], fetch: bool = True, ) -> List[SelfType]: """ Create a list of instances from record IDs. If any record IDs returned are invalid this will raise a KeyError, but only *after* retrieving all other valid records from the API. Args: record_ids: |arg_record_id| fetch: If ``True``, records will be fetched and field values will be updated. If ``False``, new instances are created with the provided IDs, but field values are unset. """ record_ids = list(record_ids) if not fetch: return [cls.from_id(record_id, fetch=False) for record_id in record_ids] formula = OR( *[f"RECORD_ID()={STR_VALUE(record_id)}" for record_id in record_ids] ) records = [ cls.from_record(record) for record in cls.get_table().all(formula=formula) ] records_by_id = { record for record in records} # Ensure we return records in the same order, and raise KeyError if any are missing return [records_by_id[record_id] for record_id in record_ids]
[docs] @classmethod def batch_save(cls, models: List[SelfType]) -> None: """ Save a list of model instances to the Airtable API with as few network requests as possible. Can accept a mixture of new records (which have not been saved yet) and existing records that have IDs. """ if not all(isinstance(model, cls) for model in models): raise TypeError(set(type(model) for model in models)) create_models = [model for model in models if not] update_models = [model for model in models if] create_records: List[WritableFields] = [ record["fields"] for model in create_models if (record := model.to_record(only_writable=True)) ] update_records: List[UpdateRecordDict] = [ {"id": record["id"], "fields": record["fields"]} for model in update_models if (record := model.to_record(only_writable=True)) ] table = cls.get_table() table.batch_update(update_records, typecast=cls._typecast()) created_records = table.batch_create(create_records, typecast=cls._typecast()) for model, created_record in zip(create_models, created_records): = created_record["id"] model.created_time = created_record["createdTime"]
[docs] @classmethod def batch_delete(cls, models: List[SelfType]) -> None: """ Delete a list of model instances from Airtable. Raises: ValueError: if the model has not been saved to Airtable. """ if not all( for model in models): raise ValueError("cannot delete an unsaved model") if not all(isinstance(model, cls) for model in models): raise TypeError(set(type(model) for model in models)) cls.get_table().batch_delete([ for model in models])
[docs] def comments(self) -> List[Comment]: """ Return a list of comments on this record. See :meth:`Table.comments <pyairtable.Table.comments>`. """ return self.get_table().comments(
[docs] def add_comment(self, text: str) -> Comment: """ Add a comment to this record. See :meth:`Table.add_comment <pyairtable.Table.add_comment>`. """ return self.get_table().add_comment(, text)